
Bolster business efficiency with electronic faxes, which fulfill compliance requirements while eliminating bulky fax machines, dedicated fax phone lines and busy signals.


Faxing is still a main business mainstay for a range of regulated industries, including financial services, government, healthcare and the legal profession. In the past, using a fax machine was a labor-intensive process that required waiting around a machine for something to arrive or send. eFaxing greatly simplifies and streamlines the process by sending and receiving faxes from a computer, tablet or smartphone.

Constant Connection offers eFax services that allow users to electronically sign and edit faxes, without the need to print any documents. Fully compliant with regulatory requirements, eFaxing eliminates the machine, paper, phone line and maintenance costs that are the hallmarks of traditional faxing—as well as the headaches.


Business can be more productive and eliminate excess costs by going digital with their faxing needs.

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